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Hospital AdmissionㆍDischarge Procedure

Hospital Admission Process

Determination of Hospitalization

  1. 01
    Fill out the hospitalization agreement(day of hospitalization)
    Bring your health insurance card and identification and fill out the hospitalization agreement form at the administration window.
  2. 02
    1Bring the determination of hospitalization and hospitalization agreement form and go to the administration window for reception.
  3. 03
    Assignment Department
    Listen to the nurse from the assigned department and go to the nurse’s room in the appropriate ward.
  4. 04
    Hospital Room
    In principle, childbearing mothers and emergency patients are assigned hospital rooms first.

Hospitalization by Appointment

  • If you’ve been found to require hospitalization but cannot be admitted on the same day due to the hospital room situation, you will be hospitalized by appointment, and the necessary documents will be prepared on the day of appointment.
  • The hospital will contact the patient by phone on the day of or 1 day prior to the hospitalization day.
  • On the day of hospitalization, check with the corresponding department and check in at the administration window.
  • Preparations
    • Bring your own private supplies such as toothbrush, toothpaste, tissue, towel, indoor slippers, soap, and water glass. If you haven’t been able to prepare these items, you may go to the hospital convenience store (Wing 1 – 1FL, Wing 8 – Basement) to purchase them.

Hospital Discharge Process

Notice of Discharge

  1. 01
    Bring your discharge guide and pay the medical fee at the administration window.
  2. 02
    If needed, book an appointment for ambulatory care. (Corresponding department)
  3. 03
    Corresponding Department
    If you need ambulance service during discharge, request the service to the nurse of the corresponding department.(Ambulance service up to the downtown area only)
  • For patients receiving aid from a social welfare agency (social welfare, heart foundation, Daeshinsongchon, etc.), consult with the corresponding employee at the administration department before payment.
  • If you received blood transfusion, and you have a Certificate of Blood Donation, consult with the corresponding employee at the administration department before payment.